Emotional Healing. Child of an alcoholic. Young adult depression. Inspiration.

I was once told by a wise woman that emotions are a strong force to be reckoned with. They breathe their own life and have their own destructive force. If one does not allow their emotions both happy and sad to escape and feel acknowledged, they will eat away at the life they live in. My journey in life has been a road filled with many peaks of happiness and many valleys of depression. But through it all I have held those words of wisdom with me. I have always found it easy to release my anguish, my depression, my sadness, and my happiness to those around me who love me and to my best friends “pad and paper.”

With this blog I hope to inspire others to write their emotions on paper, let the forgiving page hear all the words of hurt, pain, contentment, joy. With this blog I hope to inspire myself to forgive all that hurts in my life, to let go of old grudges and to grow, from the inside out.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Vividly Vacant

mellow yellows reds and blues
colors blurring
flowing from his open mind
beauty flying
flapping and drifting
through space and time
seeing fully
no cover to the experience
no top to blow off
just being
allowing the colors
to bleed from his open mind
and float away
on a parasol of flowing air
a peaceful state of mind
closing his eyes
as the butterflies
escape his tired mentality
free of restriction
free of judgment
as the muted colors
become nothing.

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